Instructions for authors


Papers to be submitted for TELFOR could include both expert and scientific articles containing original applicable or theoretical results of researches, of interest for a broad group of experts engaged in the field the article deals with. The authors are welcome to submit the articles comprising the applications of theoretical methods in solving specific engineering problems, presentations of new equipment and systems, results of experimental research, new realizations of familiar solutions, etc.

The authors are requested to submit only those papers whose contents have not been notified, published or in any other way presented at any time prior to the Forum. The papers should contain original scientific, expert or applied results of the authors themselves. The results included should in no way violate the rights of other authors or organizations. Although all papers will be reviewed, the authors themselves are responsible for the publishing rights, originality and quality of their papers.

The presentation of results of other authors or institutions, without a personal contribution or participation, as well as survey papers or tutorials, may be offered by participants for acceptance or can be invited by the Program Committee. In such a case it is obligatory for the authors to obtain all the necessary permissions and to clearly state all the sources used.

Papers should be written and presented in English or in Serbian languages. Each participant can be represented three times at most either as an author or as co-author of an original paper. The papers will be accepted for review if they are: (a) received on time, and, (b) strictly prepared in accordance with the instructions for authors.

The authors' papers sent for TELFOR will be subject to review. The anonymous reviewers are appointed by the Program Committee. After reviewing the authors will be informed whether their papers are accepted or rejected. The accepted papers will be presented in regular or special sessions. Only papers with a favorable review of the reviewers will be accepted, presented during the Forum and published in the TELFOR Proceedings (CD version). ATELFOR follows the IEEE policy regarding plagiarism, please see

The instructions are the same for paper submission for the review process, and for camera-ready versions. The instructions are meant to be taken literally for the final paper submission, to ensure the high quality of the proceedings.

The paper should be prepared using MS Word or LaTeX, using A4 standard IEEE conference templates. For additional instructions, please, see The final version of the paper should be converted and sent in Adobe PDF format.

All accepted and presented regular papers, if at least one registration fee is paid per paper, will be submitted for possible publication in the IEEE Xplore database. Please note that Telfor follows IEEE no-show policy. If your paper is accepted, one of the co-authors has to present the accepted paper at the conference. Papers with no-show participants without a valid reason will not be submitted to IEEExplore. The submitted final version of the paper should be IEEE pdf compatible. Please, see on the left-side menu (main menu).

Please, note that you must use the IEEE PDF eXpress site to validate your papers. The validated version of the paper should be uploaded to the Telfor online system.

An accepted paper should be obligatorily presented in authors sections by its author or the co-author; otherwise, it cannot be referenced as the paper published at the TELFOR conference. By submitting the paper, the authors are accepting all the rules listed in the invitation.


Papers for the review process are submitted electronically on-line with the web-server interface. Please read Instructions for Registering and Submitting Papers carefully.

All important dates are listed here (

All possible modifications and new information will be posted on the Forum home page

Papers must be initially submitted in two steps.

The first step is paper registration, and the second step is paper submission. There also may be additional steps, but only for those authors whose papers have to be revised and resubmitted.

Step 1 - Paper Registration

Please, note that the contact person (corresponding author) should have TELFOR ID account in order to submit paper(s). If you do not, please sign-up by following the link:

Please, don't sign-up more than once. If you forget your password, follow the link:

If you already have your TELFOR ID account, please log in to the online submission system by following the link:

After that, please follow the link Paper registration on the left side menu.

There is a special student section. Only the bachelor's degree and master's degree students can be authors and can present their papers in this section, with the arbitrary notification of a teacher-mentor.

Please note that TELFOR conference program and CD proceedings will be prepared with data entered in the registration form. Therefore, make sure to fill in the registration form properly and accurately.

You will get the confirmation by e-mail immediately after your registration.

Please contact us if you do not receive this message within 24 hours after registering.

Step 2 - Paper Submission

To submit your paper, please log in to the online registration and submission system by following the link

After that, please follow the link Papers on the left side menu (My Papers submenu) in order to submit your paper, track your paper status or change your paper data.

You will get the confirmation by e-mail immediately after your submission. This message contains submission details.

Please contact us if you do not receive this message within 24 hours after the paper submission.

You can resubmit your paper at any time within the submission deadline.

After Submission

After submission of your paper you can, at any time, track your paper status, change your paper data or resubmit your paper. To perform any of these actions with your paper, please log in to the online registration and submission system by following the link After that, you can track your paper status, change your paper data or resubmit your paper by following the link Papers Papers on the left side menu (My Papers submenu).

All changes will be confirmed by an automatically generated e-mail.

Please, note that your paper will be locked for all changes during the review process.

After reviewing your paper, Telfor Committee will inform you about your paper acceptance by e-mail. The authors whose papers have to be revised and resubmitted will be informed by the Committee and get the e-mail with instructions for resubmission.

Accepted papers

For all accepted papers the IEEE Xplore compliant camera ready file has to be submitted. Minor changes (including changes suggested by reviewers and changes of authors’ data) are possible. Please, note that it is not acceptable to change the authors’ list.

To verify your file by IEEE pdfeXpress tool, please, follow the link on the leftside menu (main menu).

To submit the final version of your paper (IEEE Xplore compliant file) please log in to the TELFOR online system following the link After that, please follow the link Papers on the left side menu (My Papers submenu) in order to submit the final version of your paper.